Unlock your full potential

We are all capable of more – in your faith, marriage, parenthood, fitness and beyond. Find your “more” today.

Points of Emphasis

Our mission is to help guide others in their journey through life by hitting on the heavy topics that we don’t often like to discuss.

Personal Development and Vision

Actively working toward becoming a better person and developing a clear set of goals to work toward.

Health and Fitness

Both physical and mental well-being are the epicenter of how you operate as a spouse, parent, friend and employee.

Accountability and Habits

Habits are hard to establish and even harder to maintain. Personal accountability is a key piece to this puzzle of life.

The Blog

  • Working On Being Intentional

    It’s easy to become complacent, to go through the motions. Life can become monotonous, and redundant.  Way back when, near the beginning of this very blog, I wrote about the importance of “reducing friction” in your life.  A concept popularized in the best-selling book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear, the act of reducing friction is…

  • What Keeps You Ticking?

    What is the driving force behind your actions? As I reflect on this very question, I can confidently say two things: and Though a complex question to pose, I think it is an important one for us all to consider, regardless of where we stand on the timeline of life. For me – I’m a…

  • The Story Behind This Whole Thing

    To cap off this “segment” of stories that I’ve been telling, I figured it is only fitting to share some of the insight behind the origin of Forged in Fire. I’ve spoken at length about bits and pieces of this in the past, touching on the creative side of my personality that had been longing…

What People Say

“Forged in Fire, though just beginning, is an organization that has already and will continue to greatly impact the lives of men and their families.”

Alec McDowell

Des Moines, IA

Ready to take the step toward a better you?

I’d love to connect with anyone seeking to better themselves. Let me assist you in getting the train back on the tracks.